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Ann Live in LA – Saturday March 18

This Saturday, Ann will be performing for the last time at the Steve Allen Theater, which is sadly being torn down to build condos. The show is entitled Seriously, WTF?! – Dream Girl Reacts to the National Nightmare.

photo ©2017 Austin Young

From LA Weekly:
The longtime Los Angeles resident (by way of West Virginia and New York City) has a new EP coming out featuring her 12-minute opus, “An Open Letter to an Open Letter,” which with its chorus of “Seriously, what the fuck?” (also the title of her show) is classic Magnuson.

“An Open Letter to an Open Letter” is now available on Bandcamp.

Saturday at 8 PM – 10 PM
Steve Allen Theatre, hosted by Trepany House
4773 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, California 90027
Tickets Available Here

Luv Show at Luna Park Setlist (1998)

Recently unearthed from archives deep beneath the foundation of the dearly departed Luna Park club in LA.  All songs from The Luv Show unless noted:


  1. Come Out, Come Out (spoken dialog from “The Wizard of Oz”)
  2. Carry On Wayward Son (Kansas)
  3. Dead Moth
  4. This Nothing Life
  5. Going to California [excerpt](Led Zepplin)
  6. Waterbeds of Hollywood
  7. Sex With The Devil
  8. It’s A Great Feeling
  9. Walking In Space (from the film production of “Hair”)
  10. Miss Pussy Pants
  11. Live, You Vixen!
  12. Some Kind of a Swinger
  13. L.A. Donut Day
  14. M.K.C.F.
  15. Swinger [reprise, imitating Eartha Kitt]
  16. The Last Supper [Apostles’ intro] (from “Jesus Christ Superstar”)
  17. Man With No Face
  18. I Remember You


  1. Moonage Daydream (David Bowie)
  2. David Bowie Wants Ideas [updated version] (Bongwater)
  3. Lady Stardust (David Bowie)
  4. Cracked Actor (David Bowie)
  5. Moonage Daydream [reprise]
  6. Daydream Believer [excerpt] (Monkees)
  7. end with the sung line “…Ziggy Played Guitar.” (David Bowie)

Article in OC Weekly

The lastest issue of OC Weekly features an article on Ann’s show tomorrow at The Steve Allen Theater:

These days it feels like we need avant garde goddess Ann Magnuson more than ever. In an age where we’re constantly bombarded with mindless entertainment, this legendary writer/ singer/ performance artist reminds us that the most transcendent form of escape happens when we finally close our eyes and turn on our brains. That’s the thought process behind Dream Girl, her first album in over a decade.

Click here to read the full article

Nov 15th – Appearance on Molotov Cocktail Hour

Ann will be a guest on Señor Amor’s radio show, The Molotov Cocktail Hour tonight, from 10 pm until 12 midnight PST. If you miss it, it will be archived later. Click here for the livestream.

They will be playing great music- new stuff, old stuff, very groovy stuff- and discussing how we are going to deal with the political situation at hand. (hint: it’s 1968/1972 all over again) Tune in and turn on but don’t drop out! We all need each other!!

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